Fire Force is an action-packed series otherwise known by its Japanese title, “Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou.” The anime & manga series embody different themes linked to fire in different ways. Fire Force is set in a world 250 years after the Great Cataclysm, a raging inferno that destroyed the world and lefts its visible marks in the form of problematic infernals and pyrokinetics.
However, above all themes in the anime, religion stands out due to its uniqueness and importance. First and foremost, religion is a core part of the Tokyo Empire — the setting of the story. Furthermore, in the last season of Fire Force, it was subtly hinted that the followers of “The Evangelist” are closely connected with the Tokyo Sol Temple, meaning religion is a controversial theme inFire Force. So, how does religion play a central in Fire Force?
The Different Religions in Blue Exorcist
The flame is the soul's breath… The black smoke is the soul's release… Ashes thou wert and art… May thy soul return to the great flame of fire… Látom
“Látom” is a treasured religious word in the world of Fire Force, used for different, important reasons. The word is not a one-function term but a multi-faceted one. The most relevant use of látom is for the death of infernals that has been laid to rest by the Special Fire Force. A Fire Force Company is not complete without a Sister/Priest that completed training in the Holy Sol Temple. For Company 8, Sister Iris is the individual in charge of performing rites of passage for infernals. Religion is often used as a coping mechanism, so the word “látom" might be a tactic to lessen the guilt that comes with killing infernals since they were formerly humans.
Fire Force characters also use látom as a good luck charm.