Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City is a bleak monument to unfettered Capitalism, and any vainglorious gonk looking to topple it will end up flatlined in a ditch. If it’s any consolation, V can adopt a cat to keep her company in the meantime. Sure, most wildlife is extinct; people eat locust pizza; healthcare is only for the elite, and the corrupt leadership live longer than Henry Kissinger, but at least V can pet the dang cat. V can also pet an iguana now.
Cyberpunk 2077 quest designer Pawel Sasko will often stream the game on his Twitch channel and excitedly divulge lesser-known information about it, which is where he confirmed patch 1.5 is chock-full of hidden stuff to find. A new scaly friend is one of them, and you don’t want to miss her accidentally!
To acquire the pet iguana, V will need the iguana egg. The egg can be found during the prelude “The Heist,” the main storyline mission. After Jackie and V stealthily evade Konpeki Plaza hotel security and finally enter the room of Yorinobu Arasaka, V can look around the place before everything goes awry.
According to Reddit user Rizenstrom, the egg was included in the game at one point, deleted, then re-added in patch 1.5.
To klep the iguana egg, make a beeline for the familiar open terrarium near the hotel room entrance; the egg is on the far left side of the structure, hidden behind the log where the other iguana is perched. Once V is able to get back to their apartment in Megabuilding H10, they can place the egg in a small bowl near their couch. Johnny and V will have a short exchange about the egg ending with V saying, “Patience is a virtue.”
While some people may have found the egg before it was removed from the game, other people were confused about the outcome. V will