Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is filled with collectibles, from Minikits to ships to characters. Once of the rarest and most important collectibles in the game are the Datacards. There are 19 total and they allow you to purchase extras, which includes the important stud multipliers. One of the them is located at the Crash Site section of Kef Bir. Here’s where you can find the Datacard on Kef Bir in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Hidden behind a hut on the north part of the mapThe Datacard is located in the southwest corner of the northern section of the map. The map is split into two areas with a small walkway in between, so you will need to head to the northern section first. Players first arrive on Kef Bir during Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker while searching for the Mapfinder. You will be locked to the story characters upon arrival but don’t worry, this Datacard doesn’t require any character specific abilities to reach.
Once you reach the northern section of the island head to the southwestern corner. Tucked behind one of the homes you will find the Datacard sitting on ground level. Simply pick up the card and you will be good to go.