The village is where you’ll encounter your first real battle in Dwerve. You need to fight against a group of Warboars using the two weapons you have at your disposal. Once the small story segment that follows is over, your father asks you to clear out the remaining Wargboar dens. They’re scattered around the village and aren’t exactly easy to find, which is why we put this guide together to help you locate and eradicate them.
Wargboar den 1The first Wargboar den is in the top left-hand corner of the village. It’s the small pond with the burning house next to it that you need to take some stairs to reach. The den itself is in the top right-hand corner of this area, so lay down some crossbow traps far away from it and trigger the den to start spawning enemies. The crossbows should kill all the Wargboars before they reach you and quickly empty the den.
Wargboar den 2The second Wargboar den is directly below the first. It’s on the opposite side of the bridge that you’ll come to when trying to get to the bottom right-hand corner of the village. Plant your weapons before you cross the bridge because the den will start spawning enemies as soon as you step foot on it. When you enter this location, you’ll also trigger a nasty nest of bugs, so you need those traps ready to start slicing them up while the Wargboars approach from beneath. This is where you’ll die if you don’t prepare, using the lessons the game has been teaching you up to this point.
Wargboar den 3The final Warboar den is at the top of the village, above the first one. The chief’s warhorn will sound when you enter the area, which isn’t good news for your dad. Right now, though, all you need to worry about are the two dens in this location. One is to the left,