As adventurers progress through the three story arcs of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, they will encounter enemies with breakable armor that can reduce damage taken or negate HP loss completely. Typically, these enemies will appear on the battlefield with a shield symbol hovering over them. Until this shield has been broken, the mob's armor will stay intact, allowing them to reduce incoming damage from the player. Moreover, the protagonist in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes will face giant monstrous beasts that possess several armored shields, which can deflect specific types of damage in combat.
Therefore, to take down these enemies in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, players need to break their opponents' armor, causing them to become vulnerable. When it comes to elite enemies on the field, these named foes will often be tougher than typical trash mobs that make up the majority of the opposing forces. Hence, players should approach these enemies with caution, being cautious of any special attacks or abilities these elites might have. The next step is dispelling the shield icon above their head by breaking their armor in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
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To break the armor of enemies, players can use a high DPS character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes to land blows consecutively until the shield breaks apart. Once this happens, the opponent will become vulnerable, granting the unit a chance to perform a special ability to continue their onslaught.
Naturally, the main way to improve the chance of breaking enemy armor in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is by enhancing their damage output. This enhancement can be done organically