Isekai is one of the most popular anime genres in recent years, and each anime season is bound to have at least two or three isekai shows, both returning and new. It's pretty clear that isekai is here to stay, at least for the time being, and it will be quite some time before it goes out of fashion.
While isekai anime can be fun to watch, a lot of times they can also be very generic, and many isekai storylines are often very cookie-cutter in nature. With the current anime landscape being flooded with isekai, it's easy to get tired of seeing them come out every season. However, there are exceptions to this, and Ascendance of a Bookworm is a very good example of one. A story about a book lover that gets reincarnated into a world where books are extremely rare, Ascendance of a Bookworm is extremely popular, with its third season having just ended earlier this month. Ascendance of a Bookworm bucks the common conventions of isekai anime to create a story that can be enjoyed even by people that dislike isekai.
RELATED:Isekai Oversaturation And The Genre's Future
Modern isekai stories tend to follow a very basic formula: a fairly generic protagonist is sent to another world, either by teleportation or reincarnation, and is given powers or abilities to use in their new life. These abilities often turn out to be overpowered, allowing the protagonist to simply breeze through any obstacle without really having any trouble at all. They quickly establish themselves as a powerful hero and travel the world living out their life as they please. Since most isekai protagonists are often male (and sometimes even when they aren't), they also end up with a large harem of romantic interests, all vying for attention.
Nine times out of ten, the