The narrative of Horizon Forbidden West and its sequel, Horizon Zero Dawn, spans a complex timeline of events that goes back centuries. The Horizon games allow players to explore the newly tribalistic regions that cover the post-apocalyptic United States following the complete destruction of humanity due to climate crises, technological evolution, and mankind's hubris. Both games are story-driven in focus, and revolve around protagonist Aloy, played by Ashly Burch.
[Warning: full spoilers for Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West follow.]
In order to understand the context of Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, it is first necessary to comprehend their history. The full story of the Horizon games timeline spans centuries, beginning in the present day and concerning the current climate crisis. The story of Horizon Zero Dawnbegins in the year 3040, however, so there is a millennium of events to explain how the state of the world deteriorated to become that which protagonist Aloy is familiar with.
Related: Horizon Forbidden West Complete Guide
These centuries of recorded events are discovered throughout the game by players at the same pace as Aloy, as she journeys and learns more about the history of humanity. Within recordings that Aloy encounters, there are endless dates, events, and people listed. Players do not need to understand every tiny detail in order to play either Horizon game, but an overall comprehension of the timeline of events will help players understand the world that Aloy must navigate.
The prelude to Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West begins in the mid-21st century, in the period known as the 'Old World'. Businessman Ted Faro kicks off the series of events that lead to the mass extinction of humanity