After a long wait, the third installment in the series, aptly titled , is coming soon. The first was released in 1999, followed by in 2003. Both were developed by Relic Entertainment, a strategy game powerhouse with titles like and under its belt. But since then, there's been an interminable wait for .
is a series of real-time strategy games set in space, in which the player builds and operates a fleet of ships controlled by the Mothership, the center of operations. The aim of the games is to gather resources, grow a fleet, and defeat enemies. Gearbox, the company behind the immensely popular series and publisher of, has released remastered and improved versions of the first two games, as well as a tabletop RPG. But this wasn't enough to please diehard fans. Fortunately, the exceedingly long wait for is almost over.
is scheduled for release on May 13, 2024, nearly five years after its initial announcement at PAX West 2019. This comes after a significant delay: was originally expected to be released in the first half of 2023, but was pushed back in May of that year. The games were originally published by Sierra, but Gearbox now owns the rights, so it will publish the new game to be developed by Blackbird Interactive. This move effectively revives the series, which has lain largely dormant for decades.
Unlike most Gearbox games, has a unique twist: it's crowdfunded. The campaign on Fig raised more than $1.5 million from just over 8,000 backers. Even after the fundraising goal was reached, dedicated fans continued to throw money at the project. For the time being, is a Windows PC exclusive. While previous games have had Mac releases, there are no apparent plans for one yet.
Fig, once known for its role in crowdfunding video game projects like the time loop adventure game, the quirky platformer, and the isometric fantasy RPG , has since merged with the Republic investment platform. As a result, all community updates prior to September 2022 have been deleted, but are