The Hardcore Guild is attempting a full clear of Molten Core, including the final boss in the Road to Ragnaros Challenge! Kargoz and Winky are hosting the event and offering commentary while the guild pushes for the world first hardcore kill.KargozGaming on Twitch, Live stream
Hardcore Guild's Announcement Four months ago, the question was asked, «Would a Hardcore raid be able to kill Ragnaros?» So the ultimate community challenge was born, and we started down the Road to Ragnaros. Season of Mastery brought unexpected challenges. Blizzard doubled the hp of every Molten Core boss, and added brand new mechanics to every fight.In the effort to learn more about these new difficulties, a ragtag band of Hardcore players tried Molten Core on the PTR, and were able to be the first players in the world to kill Ragnaros there. Emboldened, we put the final stamp of approval on pitting our Hardcore community against this even more exciting and brutal challenge in the Season of Mastery mode of Molten Core. Launch has brought our community together to persevere and to thrive on this crazy (to others) mode of play.
Hardcore has given us the best and the worst of the wow community. There has been laughter and tears, joy and heartache. New friendships have been forged, often in the heat of the toughest dungeons (we're looking at you Gnomer).
Guildies celebrate the smallest of victories, and gather around to commemorate the fallen. I think it's safe to say the Hardcore experience on SOM has been a memorable one for many, and we hope, for all the right reasons. Out of a community of over 10,000 players all over the world, 12 guilds, over 800 level 60s, immense numbers of farmers and crafters, and a lot of determined heart — we are.