Gotham Knights is an upcoming CW superhero television series that follows the city of Gotham in the wake of Batman's murder. This series will follow his allies as they fill in the gap of his absence, and Fallon Smythe and Tyler DiChiara will play two of those characters.
Gotham Knights was announced last year and is based on the comic book series of similar name, Batman: Gotham Knights.Batwoman writers/producers Natalie Abrams, Chad Fiveash, and James Stoteraux are set to bring a colorful cast of characters to Gotham Knights.
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Variety reports Smythe and DiChiara have both joined as series regulars Harper Row Row/Bluebird and Cullen Row, respectively. Both Gotham Knights characters are siblings and the showrunners will no doubt be incorporating this dynamic into the way they portray these roles. This take on Bluebird is described by the creators as «streetwise, acerbic and often underestimated, the blue-haired bisexual is a gifted engineer who can fix anything. But what Harper wants most of all is to repair the broken lives of her and her brother, Cullen, the only person she trusts.» The description for Bluebird's sibling goes on to say, «After years of hiding his true self from an abusive parent, the transgender teen is tired of being polite and agreeable...clever and adept at reading human nature, Cullen is ready to fight his own battles.»
This representation will no doubt provide some compelling backstories for fans of the series to get attached to. It seems that each of the heroes who will be a part of this show will have gone through some sort of troubled upbringings, which is something that DC is typically known for depicting with their heroes. Showcasing