Slow Horses, a new Apple TV+ thriller series based on Mick Herron's award-winning novels, premiered this week and kicked off an exciting mystery. The story follows Jackson Lamb (Gary Oldman, Mank), the cynical head of Slough House. Long considered the lowest rung on the MI5 ladder, Lamb's team are given dead-end cases and little more than paperwork to mark the ends of their once-promising security careers.
These «slow horses,» as they are known, struggle day in and out with menial work that is far beneath their abilities. The recently transferred River Cartwright (Jack Lowden, Kindred) may be taking it harder than most until the team finds themselves in the middle of a new and terrifying case. Over the course of the season's six episodes, written by Veep's Will Smith and directed by Snowpiercer's James Hawes, the members of Slough House go toe to toe with the so-called real MI5 agents and try to resurrect their careers in the process.
Related: Slow Horses Clip: Jonathan Pryce Wants To Know What Was In The Box
Oldman and Lowden spoke to Screen Rant about River's frustrations and Jackson's tough love, both of which elaborately displayed in the first two episodes of the season, now available to stream on Apple TV+.
Screen Rant: When the season starts, River has been placed in Slough House after a training exercise gone horribly awry. Can you talk what he feels about his position at the outset and what his goal is for the season?
Jack Lowden: Oh, that's an acting question, isn't it? What's your objective, and what's your super objective?
Gary Oldman: Well, when we very first see you, he's riding high.
Jack Lowden: Yes, when you first see him, he's at the top of his game. He's probably waiting on the big call up, whatever