The Sage of Final Fantasy 14 is one of two new Jobs introduced in the Endwalker expansion, with this particular specialization having a focus on healing and supporting allies. In a game like FF14 where everyone has a basic heal but no one to fully coordinate team survival, a dedicated Healer like the Sage is an extremely valuable asset to any party. Of course, this initial expectation can also become overwhelming to newcomers to the Job.
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Interestingly enough, the Sage does offer new approaches and methodologies to explore the Healer role that other Jobs don’t necessarily offer, making them quite an intriguing option to try out for both healing savants and those who just want a new Job to test. However, just how should players approach the Sage?
At its core, the Sage is a Job under the Disciple Of Magic, meaning it belongs to the division of classes that specialize in using magical abilities to achieve various benefits. More importantly, it’s a healer along the likes of the White Mage, Astrologian, and the Scholar. Here are things players need to remember about the Sage:
Like with other Jobs, the Sage has access to various resources that allow them to dish out both their most powerful offensive spells and their most powerful heals. Players need to understand the complexities of these resources in order to properly capitalize upon them in combat. Here are resources to always take to heart:
While the Sage does have a plethora of healing abilities similar to other Jobs, their bread and butter lies in the Addersgall gauge. This gives Sages access to four iterations of healing spells, each of which with different abilities that demand different playstyles.