FIFA 22 has released its fourth Challenge SBC under the Team of the Year banner, and players can avail another easy-to-do SBC. January 28 is close, which is from when all the TOTY items will be available in packs for the players.
The TOTY items will be available across all packs and can be obtained from players' packs from completing the TOTY Challenge 4 SBC. However, there's a massive caveat regarding obtaining these compelling TOTY player items.
The statistical odds of obtaining the TOTY items are extremely low. While there have been instances where players have obtained multiple TOTY items in a single pack, the chances of that happening are very rare.
However, there's no harm in completing the TOTY Challenge 4 SBC as it's cheap and easy. Moreover, there's a chance, albeit a low one, for the pack to contain a TOTY item as well.
Same League Count: Max 6
Same Club Count: Max 3
Player Level: Min Silver
Rare: Min 8
Squad Rating: Min 70
Team Chemistry: Min 85
# of players in the Squad: 11
The completion cost of the TOTY Challenge 4 SBC ranges between 3,000-6,000 FUT coins based on the players' platform. The SBC is available for less than 48 hours and is non-repeatable. Hence, players can complete it at most once.
The conditions for the TOTY Challenge 4 SBC are pretty straightforward, and players should look to make the team based out of two leagues. There is an excellent scope for fodder to reduce the price further.
The TOTY Challenge 4 SBC rewards players with one Rare Mixed Players Pack upon completion. While this reward may not be as good as the rewards from the first two challenges SBCs.
However, this one is better than yesterday's TOTY Challenge 3 SBC, which came with a very poor reward. While the reward potential is not too