It can be a tough time to keep your bank account full and enough money incoming to keep your PMC raids going in Escape From Tarkov, but it doesn't have to be that way. If you're looking for ways to make sure you're not scraping together Roubles every time you hit the post-collapse streets of fictional Russia, this is the guide for you.
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Not all money in the game is created equal, and there are items that even a king's bounty won't help you claim, but it's still the most consistent way to equip your PMC well, upgrade your Hideout, and keep your Tarkov journey going smoothly. No one trick will make you a Tarkov billionaire, but a combination of smart play and purposeful spending will make it much easier for you to keep collecting cash between your raids. Here's everything you need to know about how to farm money in Escape From Tarkov.
Escape From Tarkov has three currencies that players can acquire: Roubles, Dollars, and Euros. Each of the three can be spent in different ways, and appear at differing rarities, so they're not perfectly interchangeable.
Roubles are by far the most common form of money you'll be encountering and spending in the game, while Euros and Dollars have more niche uses. For the vast majority of your experience, Roubles will be the currency that you care the most about. This is how you're buying guns, most Hideout upgrades, armor, meds, and every tool of the trade vital to your survival in raids. Roubles are king, and the other two currencies play second fiddle to it, but they're not without merit.
The functional difference mostly comes down to which traders will take each currency, and what you can buy with them. Dollars