Amazon Studios is working on developing an original animated series based on the fantasy/detective comic series Edgeworld. The comic series, written by Chuck Austen and illustrated by Patrick Olliffe, is a sci-fi western that was initially released as a ComiXology Original. Since its 2020 debut, Edgeworld has published a total of five issues.
Amazon is working on an animated Edgeworld series with creators Austen and Olliffe serving as executive producers. Very little information has been announced about the upcoming series aside from its existence, but it's sure to fill out as the studio works through development. As more information is released regarding the series, Amazon's expected release window will become clearer.
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Edgeworld centers around hero Killian Jess, a magistrate and former soldier who lives on planet Pala and is in charge of protecting it. The planet is reminiscent of an old Western town, while also being set in space. Jess must battle alien invasions, rogue militaries, and essentially any and every other threat the galaxy could throw at Pala and its citizens.
Austen is best known as an animator and producer on shows like King of the Hill, Steven Universe, The Cleveland Show, and more. Olliffe is a veteran comic book illustrator who has drawn characters such as Spider-Man, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and more. Both creators will serve as integral parts of conveying Edgeworld through the small screen to a widespread audience, while also keeping the originality of the story intact.
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Source: Amazon Studios
Alex Darus is a movie/TV news contributing writer at Screen Rant. She graduated from Ohio