In the popular manga and anime series Dragon Ball, Beerus and Whis have character designs that uniquely complement their god-level powers, and when recreating these looks in real life, a fan and his pet cat bring things to a hilarious new level! Suffice it to say, cats need to get dressed up in Dragon Ball regalia way more often.
Shared by Lonelyman (@lowcostcosplayth) via Instagram, this account is known for posting exactly what his handle implies: low-cost cosplay designs. Often using household items, simple DIY make-up effects, random objects, and more, Lonelyman’s posts depict his transformations in a fun light as he always makes sure to end them with side-by-side comparisons of his cheaply made cosplay creations and the official image he’s attempting to replicate.
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Ranging from cosplaying as beloved anime characters, fan-favorite movie heroes, well-known celebrities, and even random objects, Lonelyman ensures that each new post shows his creativeness in pulling off the perfect cosplay on a shoe-string budget. And now with him turning to the God of Destruction in Beerus and his right-hand man and martial arts teacher in Whis, Lonelyman has outdone himself!
A post shared by Lonelyman (@lowcostcosplayth)
First shown sporting a very Whis-esque hairdo while holding his cute feline friend, the following image depicts Lonelyman’s Sphynx cat standing upright, ready to receive his hilariously low-cost Beerus threads. Adding a thin layer of blue makeup to his face as well as a few homemade flourishes to finish out his unique take on Whis, Lonelyman positions his Beerus cat to the far right of the frame, perfectly matching up with the final