I have noticed that the controller doesn't appropriately charge when connected to any of the USB ports on the back of the console. It looks like there is simply not enough juice on these ports to charge the DualSense as expected. Sony's info on charging the DualSense says that the controller should charge from empty to fully charged in less than 3 hours, that's why the standard setting for Rest mode is to turn off the USB ports after this time.
When I connect it to charge on one of these USB ports on the back it can take between 12 and 15 hours for it to be fully charged. If I instead connect it to the USB-A port on the front of the console the controller charges in less than 3 hours, even if I continue to play with it wired. I have tested with several cables, including the one that follows with the PS5. When I connect the controller to a 2.5mAh charger port on my USB hub it also completes charging from an empty state in less than 3 hours as expected.
Can you reproduce this on your end? I wonder if this is by design or if there is some problem with the USB ports on the back of my PS5.
Thank you.
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