When it comes to the Disgaea series, few are as influential as Disgaea 3. Disgaea 3 was a shift in mechanics that shaped the next two games - the first game in the series to drastically evolve both mechanically and graphically. It also has the reputation of being a bit of a black sheep. Despite that, the protagonist, Mao, makes a cameo appearance in Disgaea 6.
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Mao is a strange little fellow in just about every way. Unlike his forebears, Mao is intelligent, doesn’t seek some great power, and is generally a guy who wants to skip school and understand the power of love. He’s a corny goofball, but he has a place on your roster. Let’s dig into why.
Mao is currently the Dean of the Evil Academy. Traditionally, this place is the opposite of a school. You gain grades and points for not attending and being bad. Being a “good student” and attending classes will mark you as a dirty delinquent.
Rocking an EQ of 1.8 MILLION, Mao is the Einstein of avoiding school. It’s quite an achievement.
Mao as a character is great at dealing single target damage - like all top-tier characters. Mao isn’t quite as good as other DLC characters, or main characters for that matter, but he does have a few advantages that give him an edge over his contemporaries.
Mao has great masteries in a lot of areas, which makes him fairly unique. That being said, he tends to gravitate towards one more than the others.
Mao LOVES Axes. Axes provide the most ATK of any weapon class, and since all of Mao’s attacks scale off of ATK, it only makes sense to give him one.
Related: Disgaea 6 - Super Reincarnation Guide
Mao has one unique Evility.
This Evility is awful. Not because it’s bad per se, but more because it is outclassed
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