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For an action RPG with five distinct classes, Diablo 4 makes it difficult to juggle multiple characters, especially when it comes to powerful late-game gear.
Currently, level 100 Diablo 4 characters can only find items with a level 100 requirement, which means they're only useful if you have a stable of max level alts. Starting this week in season 1, however, the level requirements on Sacred and Ancestral items will be capped, allowing you to save them for other classes.
First mentioned in an interview with Gamestar and later clarified by associate game director Joe Piepiora on <a href=«https://twitter.com/JPiepiora/status/1680963567959568385?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1680963567959568385%7Ctwgr%5E8633ab2bf190275a0682c7c63b639da50de03d59%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.icy-veins.com%2Fd4%2Fnews%2Fsacred-and-ancestral-item-level-caps-in-diablo-4-season-1%2F» target="_blank" data-url=«https://twitter.com/JPiepiora/status/1680963567959568385?ref_src=» https:>Twitter
, Sacred items will cap out at level 60 and Ancestral items will cap out at level 80. That means that if you find a particularly good item on your level 100 main, you can save it for your other characters without having to grind tons of levels to equip it.
It's not quite clear if the new level caps will persist when you imprint an high-level Legendary aspect on an item though. Right now, if you find a great piece of gear and put a level 100 aspect on it, it raises the item's level requirement to match. If your alt is sub-100, you suddenly won't be able to use it, which is known as
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