The recently released Netflix anime series, Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners, is being praised left and right by both critics and fans of CD PROJEKT RED's open-world action game. The show features a relatively brief but immersive and spectacular storytelling that rivals the game that it is based on.
One of the best aspects of Edgerunner’s story is its intriguing cast of characters, from the enigmatic protagonist David Martinez and his charming friend Lucyna Kushinada, to a plethora of side characters.
Every character in Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners features their own set of skills, attributes, and cybernetic enhancements that players can easily replicate in the game to come up with some really fun to use builds.
One such character from the Netflix anime adaptation is Rebecca, who is not only a powerful and capable force but also boasts a signature shotgun, which was recently added to the game via the Edgerunners update.
Here is a quick guide on how to play as Rebecca and get her iconic shotgun in Cyberpunk 2077.
Rebecca is one of the most fascinating characters in Edgerunners anime, mostly due to how she is one of the only characters in the show that relies on weapons and artillery instead of cybernetic enhancements.
She possesses a huge arsenal of weapons to use against her enemies. One of them is her signature shotgun, which players can get in the game after installing the Edgerunners update.
Rebecca's build is highly weapon-centric and is capable of using almost any weapon in the game, from small and swift handguns to heavy machine guns and advanced tech weapons. Creating the build is as simple as dumping points into the Reflexes and Body skill tree to allow players to wield almost any weapon in the game.
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