The Edgerunners animated series came as a breath of new life for Cyberpunk 2077. The game, which was almost forgotten, was revived once again. While most of the credit goes to the developers who worked hard to fix the issues plaguing the game, some credit also goes to the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners animated series on Netflix.
The Edgerunners series introduced some new characters and iconic items to the game. While most came in the form of weapons and mods, some armor pieces were also made available to players. One such piece is the yellow Edgerunners Jacket. David Martinez is seen wearing this jacket in the animated series, and players can get their hands on it within Cyberpunk 2077 as well.
Currently, the Edgerunners Jacket is locked behind a small mission in the game. Here's a quick guide on how to complete the mission and acquire David Martinez's jacket in Cyberpunk 2077.
As mentioned above, the Edgerunners jacket is locked behind a quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Fortunately, this quest isn't that difficult. To begin this quest, players will have to make their way to the Megabuilding H4 in Arroyo, which can be located in the Santo Domingo district of Night City. There should be a side mission located in the nearby vicinity of the building.
An icon for the side mission, known as Over the Edge, can be seen on the map. Players can right-click on this side mission to track their way to its start. The markers should lead players into an alley, where there will be a green symbol painted on the wall alongside a green trashcan. Here's what players need to do once they have found the trash can.
Step 1
Players will have to rummage through the trash can and pick up a braindance, which they will then have to use. The braindance contains a small