Call of Duty: Warzone is dealing with a new wave of sophisticated hacks, as cheaters quickly realized Activision's Ricochet anti-hack system would not slow them down. While not necessarily the most frustrating hack, the most notable has certainly been the return of flying vehicles. Call of Duty: Warzone hackers are able to fly vehicles into the air and then use auto-aim hacks to target individuals with deadly precision. These flying vehicle hacks have only grown more widespread, with Warzone players now seeing them on Rebirth Island.
A viral clip from Twitch streamer FaZe Scp captured a flying vehicle hack in motion this past week. Scp is playing a match on Rebirth Island and is watching a helicopter from a nearby rooftop. Then, all of a sudden, a vehicle flies into the air from out of nowhere targeting the helicopter. With precision, the vehicle charges into the helicopter, causing it to explode. As Scp is shaken by what he's just seen, the flying vehicle then turns toward him. Scp running through a nearby doorway does nothing to slow the hacker's attack, and he's quickly killed.
Call of Duty: Warzone Hackers Fly Around The Map In Big Bertha Trucks
The clip doesn't just capture a hack in motion. It's also a perfect example of just how audacious the hack is, and how broken Call of Duty: Warzone is to allow such a hack in the first place. The vehicle is breaking every rule of physics that should exist in Call of Duty: Warzone. It isn't just flying, and it isn't just near-invincible, as it also manipulates the game's hit detection so that the area in front of the vehicle is constantly doing damage — to players, helicopters, or whatever may be there.
Given the ridiculousness of the situation and the popularity of Scp's Twitch