The Boruto series is the sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto and just like its predecessor, it has enjoyed decent success over the years. Boruto follows the story of Boruto Uzumaki, Naruto's son, and is set years after the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War, where the world is finally at peace. As is the case with most popular stories, Boruto has a strong cast of characters around him, all of which are likable to quite an extent.
Perhaps, the most intriguing character in Boruto is none other than Kawaki. Introduced first in the prologue of the series as a villain, Kawaki has gone on to become a fan favorite over the years and has established himself as one of the best characters in the entire series. Since his proper introduction in the Kawaki arc, he's come a long way and the path that he'll take in the future remains to be interesting as ever.
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Kawaki's backstory is what makes him one of the most intriguing characters in the entire Boruto series. Raised by an abusive father, he was subject to very harsh treatment before being sold to Jigen, the leader of the Kara eventually. Under Jigen, things went from bad to worse for him as the power of the Karma was forced upon him without his consent, threatening his life, subjecting him to immense pain, and scarring him mentally in the process. Kawaki spent the majority of his childhood in fear and pain. In fact, he attempted several breakouts as well, only to fail every single time. Thanks to Kashin Koji and Amado's plan, however, Kawaki was able to escape from the grasp of the Kara and was taken in by Konohagakure.
Under Naruto Uzumaki, Kawaki, for the very first time, experienced love and warmth. Although