Battlegrounds Mobile India, also known as BGMI, is a hugely popular battle royale game that Indian players love. In this game, there are six different maps to choose from: Erangel, Miramar, Livik, Sanhok, Vikendi, and Karakin, along with the new addition, Nusa. Each of these maps offers a unique gaming experience.
If you are a gamer who's new to BGMI or an existing player looking to make a fresh start, you might wonder which map is the best for your journey. Out of all the maps in BGMI, Erangel stands out as the top choice for pushing your rank, and here's why.
Erangel is an 8x8 km map, which makes it larger than most other maps in the game. This size advantage means you can hide from enemies more easily and increase your chances of surviving longer. If you want to avoid constant combat and focus on survival, Erangel is the map for you.
Erangel is packed with places to find loot, like the Military Base, School, Pochinki, and more. But even if you land in less popular areas, you'll still find plenty of gear to help you defend yourself and stay alive.
Camping might not be the most exciting strategy, but it's effective for ranking up. Erangel has numerous hiding spots, from tall grass to nooks and crannies in buildings. You can find places to hunker down and ambush unsuspecting foes.
Erangel was the first map introduced in BGMI, so most players are very familiar with it. If you've been playing BGMI for a while, you likely have a good understanding of the map's layout, which can be a big advantage when it comes to survival.
Since Erangel is a larger map that takes longer to complete, you have more opportunities to earn survival points. These points are crucial for climbing the ranks in BGMI, making Erangel the ideal choice for