Barry season 3 star Anthony Carrigan reveals the meaning behind his character NoHo Hank's tattoos. The dark comedy series, created by Alec Berg and Bill Hader, debuted on HBO in 2018 and follows Hader's eponymous character, a hitman from Cleveland who travels to Los Angeles on assignment but finds himself drawn to the city's theater scene. Carrigan's character is the current leader of the Chechen mafia but has struggled with the responsibility he bears, and although fans of the show are familiar with his ink and associate NoHo Hank as being a good guy, many were surprised by the chest tattoos revealed in Barry season 3's premiere episode, «forgiving jeff.»
Now, in an interview during Variety's Awards Circuit Podcast, Carrigan is sharing a secret regarding Hank's tattoos, revealing that they tell a specific story. He adds that they are basically prison tattoos and that they have meanings relative to what Hank has been through. Read Carrigan's full quote about his character's tattoos below:
"They all tell a very specific story because they’re essentially prison tattoos. Any particular mob will hunt me down because it’s pretty serious when you rock those kinds of those kinds of tattoos! They do have real meanings in terms of prison culture and what Hank has been through."
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With Barry season 3 having recently kicked off, it will be interesting to see how much more of NoHo Hank is revealed and if his innately naive demeanor ever changes. Since Bill Hader confirmed that season Barry 3 was changed to better set up an already developed season 4, it may also suggest that any character reveals could play a larger role in the series as it progresses. For now, though, fans can look