The story ofAtomic Heart takes place in an alternate history in which the Soviet Union achieves global superiority through rapid technological advancement. They develop incredible robots, new materials, and innovative ways to put these things to use. The main character in Atomic Heart is Agent P-3, a one-man army who scraps hordes of hostile robots while investigating a catastrophic malfunction.
Why Fallout 5 Could Draw Inspiration From Atomic Heart
Agent P-3 needs all the equipment and intel he can get, and the best way to ensure he’s getting both is to use the scanner. It indicates all the useful things P-3 is going to need, and it provides vital information about hostiles that’ll give him an edge in combat.
The Scanner is controlled by Agent P-3’s ever-helpful AI glove. It responds to a specific hand gesture that can be held to prolong the effect. Players using a controller must tap RB/R1 twice and hold to bring up the scanner. The first tap brings up the glove, and the second activates the scanner for as long as it’s held. With a keyboard and mouse, simply holding Left Alt will bring up the scanner.
The Scanner flattens the color of everything with a monochrome filter. It then indicates points of interest with flares that illuminate objects in specific colors. Turns out there’s a lot to see in Facility 3826, even if it doesn’t appear so at first glance. The colors are as follows:
Why Critics Are Split on Atomic Heart
If Agent P-3 is close enough to a target that he’s scanning, additional information will appear. The Scanner will show the name of the target, what it carries, and most importantly: its resistances and vulnerabilities.
Some enemies are resistant to melee weapons, others to ranged weapons. Most have elemental