Horizon Forbidden West, the long-anticipated sequel to 2017s Horizon Zero Dawn, was released earlier this year. The sequel takes Aloy to the Forbidden West, where she comes face-to-face with new and old enemies alike. It also brings new mechanical beasts such as the Slitherfang, Tremortusk, and Stormbird.
While Horizon Forbidden West was undoubtedly an amazing title, it was somewhat overshadowed by Elden Ring, resulting in less than amicable sales numbers.
Nevertheless, fans of the franchise do not need to worry, as Guerrilla games seem to be already developing a third mainline Horizon title.
Horizon Forbidden West is set six months after the events of Horizon Zero Dawn. In Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy searches for a backup of GAIA in order to restore the planet's dying biosphere.
When Aloy and her friend Varl search a facility once belonging to Far Zenith, a company specializing in space colonization, they find a GAIA backup. However, it has been sabotaged. The story then follows Aloy as she travels to the Forbidden West to discover the sources of the issues surrounding the planet.
From a gameplay perspective, the title builds upon the foundation laid by Zero Dawn and expands on it to refine existing mechanics and introduce new gameplay challenges.
Although it was released on PlayStation 5 and utilized several of its hardware features such as ray-tracing and faster loading time, it did leave some players wanting a true next-gen experience, and it seems like they might not have to wait for long.
In a recent interview with VG27, Horizon Forbidden West's Creative Director, Mathijs de Jonge mentioned,
When it was first released back in 2017, Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn was unlike any other title before. The game introduced
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