Anime and cartoons are both sub-genres of animation, which is generally a two-dimensional or three-dimensional representation of a set of characters following a specific plot. However, both forms of animations are sometimes misinterpreted to mean the same thing.
While cartoons are popular among kids due to their humor-filled storylines, anime offers more options, including mature themes that appeal to the older generation. Regardless, there are still salient differences between the two animation styles that can be pointed out.
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Tracing both concepts back to the annals of history makes it clear that their origin differs. First off, the origin of anime is closely tied to Japan – the opposite of cartoons, which have western origins. Japanese animated productions emerged in the latter part of the 20th century, and the animations produced by these companies were termed «anime.» The animation style of this sub-genre varied from short films to seasonal television series.
On the other hand, the origin of cartoons can be linked to a much older date: 1499, when it was used as a study guide for a model or painting. The cartoon is a two-dimensional art, and it is derived from the word “Karton," which means strong or heavy paper. Compared to cartoons, anime closely mirrors reality and possible occurrences in the real world but in an exaggerated form.
Another pointer to the difference between anime and cartoons is the art style. Since most anime are based on manga, the art style is usually detailed. Anime series like Fate, Jojo Bizarre Adventures, and Attack on Titan reflect their production studio’s deliberate effort to make every detail count. As a result, facial expressions are easily deducible.