In the early 2000s, Ang Lee was a superstar in Hollywood. With massive critical and box office hits like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Sense & Sensibility, andBrokeback Mountain, Ang Lee was on a hot streak. Seemingly making movies that knew exactly what they should be tonally and visually, making him one of only a few chameleon directors in Hollywood. Not many of his films demonstrate exactly how great he was at shifting tone more than his flawed attempt to elevate the Big Green Goliath, Hulk.
After the success of Lee's mega-hit, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he would take the leap towards what would soon be considered the biggest franchise of all time, Marvel. With the likes of Bryan Singer's X-Men and Sam Raimi's Spider-Man topping the charts and the duo of Stan Lee and Kevin Feige producing, Marvel was on the up and up of the Hollywood ladder. Although this was before the mostly streamlined way of tying all the superhero flicks together to create one massive story, Marvel Studios at the time was still becoming what many see today. Because the early Marvel films weren't canonically tied to one another, filmmakers largely give their own takes and interpretations to the modern myths of superheroes, creating what seems now as especially highly unique and creative, but perhaps not as creative and unique as Ang Lee's Hulk.
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Ang Lee fully embraces comic books in his Hulk film. From the sequences and cuts resembling comic book panels to the extreme mythical quality of the story, all of Hulk's glory is on the screen. Even the big guy is very much like his comic counterpart. He is much larger in this movie when compared to his MCU counterpart, whose size was greatly reduced to fit his