The horror thriller drama series created by Ryan Murphy American Horror Story will be returning very soon for its 11th season. The horror series follows a new storyline each season with its cast of actors playing new characters each season and each season of the show welcomes new cast members as well. Its returning actors typically include Emma Roberts, Cody Fern, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Katy Bates, Adina Porters, and Leslie Grossman, with other seasons having guest stars like Neil Patrick Harris, Stevie Nicks, and Lady Gaga.
This news was revealed by FX chairman John Landgraf, during a Q&A session at the Television Critics Association summer press tour on Tuesday (via Variety). Landgraf didn’t give an exact release date for the 11th season, but he did reveal that the American Horror Storyseason 11 will be released on FX this upcoming Fall.
How American Horror Story & American Horror Stories Cater To Both Types Of Horror Fans
Fans have been highly anticipating the release of the show's 11th season since the release of the show's 10th season which finished airing in October 2021. The 10th season of American Horror Story was titled Double Feature and had the season's storyline split into two different stories, with the first being called American Horror Story: Red Tide, which followed an aspiring writer who moves to a secluded town in Massachusetts in hopes to finish his newest project. However, when he gets mixed up with the town locals he begins taking special pills to enhance his writing abilities and everything soon turns to chaos. The second half of season 10 was titled American Horror Story: Death Valley and followed the government's involvement with aliens, with prominent figures like Amelia Earhart and Marilyn