Similar to other titles in the HoYoverse franchise, Honkai: Star Rail boasts a diverse set of playable characters that enhance the overall immersion and appeal of the game. Each character is endowed with their own distinctive background story, personality, and combat abilities, making them a delight to use.
Currently, Honkai: Star Rail boasts a total of 25 characters. Every character is affiliated with an element, which includes Physical, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Quantum, and Imaginary. The attacks that these characters execute are tied to their respective elements, determining the damage inflicted.
Listed below are all the Honkai: Star Rail characters affiliated with the Physical element.
Clara possesses a gentle demeanor in Honkai: Star Rail. She was raised by a highly intelligent robot named Svarog.
Despite her shy and timid nature, Clara displays remarkable resilience and perceptiveness, qualities that are attributed to her unique upbringing. She treats everyone with care and compassion, including the guard robots.
Clara used to view Svarog's logical calculations as absolute truth. However, as she matures, she begins to understand that these calculations may not always consider all factors and may not be suitable for everyone.
Clara shines as an off-tank and physical damage dealer (with Svarog's help). Using Svarog's Mark of Counter, Clara can unleash a barrage of counterattacks between her turns. Her ultimate ability enables her and Svarog to taunt enemies and absorb damage that would otherwise harm her more vulnerable teammates.
Her unique skill set makes her an ideal choice for players looking to add a tanky AoE damage dealer to their team to safeguard their more fragile buffers and DPS.
Natasha is a doctor in