The Assassin’s Creed franchise jumps between the present and the past, allowing players to explore two identities while learning about the world, but there are vast differences in each modern protagonist’s quality. While some protagonists have experienced substantial growth and received ample attention from Ubisoft, a few characters became empty slates for storytelling purposes. Despite complaints about the present-day storyline, Ubisoft attempted to rectify it by using different storytelling styles before returning to their first strategy with Layla Hassan.
[Warning: full spoilers for the Assassin's Creed series follow.]
There are currently five Assassin’s Creed protagonists from the mainline games: Desmond Miles, Layla Hassan, the Initiate, and two Abstergo programmers that worked in the Abstergo Entertainment offices. Each character explored unique environments that revealed more about the Assassin’s Creed world, including how each modern faction operated and survived in such turbulent times. Unfortunately, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla left players without a clear protagonist, as it’s unclear if Basim will be the game’s next lead.
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Little is known about several Assassin’s Creed protagonists, including names, gender, appearance, and whether they’re alive or dead. The franchise featured a time when the present-day storyline received far less attention than the past, resulting in some strange storytelling choices and a series of unappealing protagonists. It’s unlikely for many players to remember some of these protagonists, especially since Ubisoft is unlikely to contribute any more development to their stories in Assassin’s Creed Infinity. However,