The DC Animated Universe (or DCAU for short) comprised the likes of Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited, plus other cartoons, and many games based on those shows were released while they aired. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and mostly all retaining a similar creative team, the DCAU would create iconic shows such as BTAS, Batman Beyond, and Static Shock. These series were highly acclaimed, and during a period where the publisher was relatively absent from the big screen, they became the focal point of the brand outside of the comics, including DC's video games.
Starting with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992, the DC Animated Universe started to develop with the release of Superman: The Animated Series and later again with Batman Beyond and Justice League. Animated movies and comics set in the DCAU continuity were released during this time, all fleshing out the shows' characters and aligning with the fixed timeline created for them. Games based on the DCAU also took place in the same continuity, and while the timeline has sometimes contradicted itself, there are cases where the games slot in fairly seamlessly.
Related: Every DC Video Game Coming In 2022 (And Beyond)
Games based on the DCAU first emerged in the 1990s and continued into the 2000s. Like some games of the era, not all of them have aged particularly well. However, some titles have managed to stand the test of time. They may not have aged as well as the Batman: Arkham games, but dig deep enough, and fans will be able to find games that were able to capture the spirit of the DCAU, and match its level of maturity and storytelling prowess.
A 1997 2D sidescroller for the Game Boy, Superman is possibly the worst DCAU video game. Based on