Despite its reputation for family-friendly games like the Mario and Kirby brands, Nintendo Switch has expanded its game library to include more horror titles. With its amazing visual displays and great sound capabilities, the handheld-style console works surprisingly well for horror as well.
This isn't true for just AAA titles, as there are plenty of fantastic titles from smaller artists and studios that are raising the fear factor as well.
Nintendo Switch does a pretty good job of transferring games to less sophisticated hardware than previous Nintendo platforms. Technically, horror games have existed for a long time. In the early 1980s, Atari created video games based on Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. However, due to the console's technological limitations, neither game was frightening or resembled the films they were based on in any way.
Publishers: Krillbite Studio, Soedesco
The game's intensely scary storyline focuses entirely on atmosphere and context clues, avoiding fighting without sacrificing conflict. Among the Sleep is a thrilling journey into the realms of surrealism, trauma, and anxiety issues.
Many of the horrific monsters and settings throughout the gameplay go into childhood anxieties and dreams, in addition to playing as a baby throughout the game.
Despite the fact that these phobias don't usually accompany individuals into adulthood, this Nintendo Switch game does an excellent job of repackaging them for an adult audience, making them feel creepy and unpleasant once more.
Publishers: Red Candle Games, Coconut Island Games, Playism
Detention, a supernatural horror game developed by Red Candle Games, is set in 1960s Taiwan during the White Terror period. The game features Ray, a student trapped in her