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Diablo 4: Best Builds To Use In The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet is a non-linear, endgame dungeon available to all classes on Seasonal Realms in . Although an entirely PvE experience, the game pits players against each other to compete for the highest score while fighting against some of the hardest enemies in the game.

Given that the meta of is always shifting, some builds are better than others to tackle The Gauntlet. The Gauntlet is a relatively new addition to, released on March 5, 2023.

The goal of the dungeon is to slay as many enemies and open as many chests as possible within eight minutes. Alongside rare and legendary loot in the dungeon, you can also earn Proofs of Might and Seals, contributing to your overall leaderboard placement.

Classes in shift around in strength and ranking frequently, but given that this is a static, unchanging dungeon, specific builds are more conducive to success than others.

In Diablo 4 Loot Reborn, Masterworking is yet another way to improve your gear. To boost your affixes and items, you first need to find Ingolith. The Gauntlet is an endgame dungeon available to players once they unlock World Tier Four on a Seasonal Realm.

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