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AU Deals: Four PC Gaming Freebies, EA AAAs Drop to 95% Off, and the Best Doom: The Dark Ages Prices!

Thank your own personal deity—possibly the Doom Slayer—it's Friday! Speaking of which, his next riptastic adventure has appeared for preordering in the usual storefronts. Being a huge, ultra-nightmare completing fan of Doom 2016 (and then Eternal), I was always going to find you the best prices for this one. While I doubt it shall surpass the soundtracks laid down by Mr. Mick Gordon, my hopes are otherwise high.

In retro news, I'm celebrating the 12th birthday of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, a timelessly pretty Studio Ghibli film-as-a-game. Level-5 developed a special one here: something that felt like the games of yore, looked like a game of tomorrow, and drew heavy inspiration from the classics us old-school JRPG fans were raised on. Better yet, the touching plight of the recently orphaned Oliver—mixed with a Talesesque battle system plus a dash of Pokémon—instantly hooked and held me for a 40-hour runtime. You'd be nuts not to give the 87% off Remaster a run.

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Mick Gordon


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