When I sat down to demo Capcom Fighting Collection 2, I thought I knew exactly what I was in for. During a preview event, I’d get to go hands-on with three games in the upcoming package.
I fired up the opening menu and started scrolling through some familiar options, which included Street Fighter game and Capcom vs.
SNK games. It was the third option that caught my attention, though. “Project Justice? What’s that?” I thought. Recommended Videos Minutes later, I’d just discovered my new favorite fighting game — one that reminded me why retro collections like this are so vital to game preservation.
Keeping the classics alive is important, but obscure gems deserve that same treatment. Capcom Fighting Collection 2 understands that, and it’s better for it.
Related Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection is a knockout victory Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection is just the start for Capcom’s retro revivals Dragon’s Dogma 2 changed how I look at fast travel in video games If you’ve never heard of Project Justice before, don’t feel too bad.