The Plunder Patroll archetype was introduced to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in January 2020, when Ignition Assault hit store shelves. The cards are based on a group of seafaring pirate trolls, who have a vast fleet of ships at their disposal that they can tactically deploy depending on what the opponent has up their sleeve.
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Plunder Patroll has a strong rogue following in the TCG and Master Duel, and is a fan-favourite deck due to how interactive matches with it are for both players. Players of the deck itself enjoy its versatility and how much its game plan changes based on your opponent's choice of deck. And of course, who doesn't love fantastic (terrible) pirate puns?
The bread and butter of the Plunder Patroll deck are its Main Deck crewmates. They are each level-four Water Fiend-type monsters, but this is where their similarities end: their effects, although sometimes overlapping, are unique. It's worth taking the time to read each card carefully so that you're comfortable with what each one does.
There are, however, some common threads running through them - for example, most of the crewmates have an effect that triggers when they're sent from the hand or Monster Zone to the Graveyard.
Redbeard, the Plunder Patroll Matey and Whitebeard, the Plunder Patroll Helm are two of the strategy's central crewmates since they both have an effect whereby, on your opponent's turn, you can Special Summon a Plunder Patroll monster from your Extra Deck with the same attribute as a monster on your opponent's field or in their Graveyard.
This concept of cheating out Extra Deck monsters based on your opponent's attributes is the deck's main win condition and the deck contains many mechanisms to make it