From Cardcaptor Sakura to xxxHolic, the collective known as CLAMP is responsible for the creation of several acclaimed manga and anime titles. The all-female collective has, in the years since their first original manga release in 1987, sold over 100 million books worldwide as of November 2007.
CLAMP began as «Clamp Cluster», an eleven-member collective in the mid-1980s, publishing dо̄jinshi at first before moving onto creating original works in 1987. The name «CLAMP» is actually a misspelling of the English word «clump»; in the context of «a clump of potatoes». The group is one of the most notable entities in anime and manga today, and exerts an immense influence over anime and manga of various genres and demographics. Here's how the group came to be.
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CLAMP began at some point in the mid-1980s, with eleven members. The exhaustive list of founding members includes O-Kyon, Leeza Sei, Nanao Sei, Mokona, Tsubaki Nekoi, Satsuki Igarashi, Shinya Omi, Soshi Hishika, Tamayo Akiyama, Kazue Nakamori and Nanase Оhkawa. Of the original eleven, only Mokona, Nekoi, Оhkawa and Satsuki Igarashi remain.
The spread of labour within the group has Nanase Оhkawa as the storyboarder, group spokesperson, producer, director. Mokona is CLAMP's head character designer, and the remaining two work on backgrounds, but these roles are prone to change depending on the project.
In 1987, the group began working on a fan manga adaptation of the Rigveda, an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns and is one of the four most authoritative texts in Hindu scripture – the Shruti. The manga was titled "RG Veda" and serialised in the Wings shо̄jo magazine, running for ten volumes from 1989 to