Directed by Louis Leterrier, is a superhero film revolving around the namesake Marvel Comics character and serves as the second entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Starring Edward Norton as Bruce Banner, The Incredible Hulk premiered on June 8, 2008. It earned a 67% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and $264.8 million at the global box office against a $137.5–150 million budget. If you are wondering when The Incredible Hulk 2 is coming out, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
The Incredible Hulk was developed as chapter one of several parts. According to Norton, that was why the film left some aspects of its plot out. Indeed, the ending (spoilers warning for those who haven’t seen the film) was meant to set up multiple narrative possibilities, including one scenario in which the Hulk was supposed to be an antagonist in The Avengers. Although Norton was slated to reprise his role in the prospective sequel at one point, he left the franchise reportedly because of the disagreement over the final edit of the film, and Mark Ruffalo subsequently made his first MCU appearance in The Avengers.
Since then, there have been talks about The Incredible Hulk sequel, but nothing really materialized. Leterrier told Comicbook in August 2023 that the sequel would have featured different versions of the Hulk. “Yeah there was like a whole sequel… There was like Grey Hulk, Red Hulks – there was a lot of good stuff that we were planning… Hulk is a complex character within the Marvel Universe, you want the primeval Hulk, the rage Hulk. And then when you go Grey Hulk and Smart Hulk you lose that a little bit and you get a little bit more kiddish with it,”