Despite its critical acclaim, ABC's Lost featured a number of controversial episodes during its six-season run, but the one most hated by the show's creators was the episode about Jack's tattoos. Lasting six seasons, Lost became known for its sprawling, serialized narrative, well-rounded ensemble cast, and unforgettable cliffhangers. One of the show's most important storytelling devices was the flashbacks that detailed each character's backstory.
Beyond Lost's controversial ending, many other aspects of the show's story were critically divisive during its run. Most of the criticisms were aimed at the series' many unresolved mysteries, but there are specific episodes that have been singled out as among the worst Lost ever produced. Lost season 3, episode 9, «Stranger In A Strange Land» is one of those episodes. The episode features a lackluster flashback that explains the origins of Jack's tattoos, while the character is imprisoned by the others on the island.
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In various interviews, creators Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse explained that they dislike this episode because it was emblematic of the struggles they were experiencing while writing the show at the time. Carlton Cuse explicitly pointed to Lost season 3, episode 9, «Stranger In A Strange Land,» saying: "I mean, I think the episode where Jack gets his tattoos in Thailand. I think it’s cringe-worthy, where he’s flying the kite on the beach. It was not our finest hour." He goes on to add: "We used Matthew Fox’s real tattoos. That’s how desperate we were for flashback stories." (via Esquire) In another interview, Lindelof explained that one of the main concerns going into Lost season 3 was how