Final Fantasy is a franchise with a rich history spanning several decades, console generations, and aesthetic changes. Fifteen mainline entries have released since 1987, and Final Fantasy 16 will look to continue the legacy as it returns to a high-fantasy and medieval setting in the war-torn land of Valisthea. There will be players who have experienced the magic of the series from the very beginning, growing alongside the likes of Terra Branford, Cloud Strife, and Tidus, but others will see Square Enix' next game as a reason to finally give Final Fantasy chance.
Final Fantasy 16 will be the start of many fans' journey in the property, and it has evolved greatly from a turn-based experience with sprite character models to something more fast-paced and visually impressive that undoubtedly appeals to modern players. Final Fantasy 16 has the tough job of staying true to its origins, but shouldn't abandon the younger generation in pursuit of nostalgia.
Final Fantasy 16's Clive and FF15's Noctis Seem Nothing Alike
Final Fantasy has defined the JRPG landscape since its beginnings, and is what most think of when the topic of Japanese Role-Playing Games is raised. There's a reason for that, as its gameplay innovation and familiar approach to storytelling, RPG mechanics, and battle systems has been replicated by other properties for years. Final Fantasy in 1987 and Final Fantasy 15 are very different games, however, as the changes over time have evolved the fabric of the entire series. Final Fantasy 16 looks different still, and future entries will surely leave modern technology and presentation behind. Final Fantasy has stood the test of time because it has adapted as the years and console generations have gone by, and Final Fantasy