She-Hulk season one has reached its finale, and while the offbeat conclusion leaves some questions about where and when we may see She-Hulk herself show up next, it gives some more concrete clues about what's coming for Bruce Banner - including the introduction of his son, Skaar of the planet Sakaar.
But who is Skaar, son of Hulk? Who is his mother? When was he born? What are his powers?
As many questions as the appearance of Skaar in the MCU raises, Marvel Comics has the answers - and we're going to explain everything you need to know about the son of Hulk right now.
Skaar is, as She-Hulk establishes, the son of the Hulk, who fathered him during the time he was on the planet Sakaar. We won't run down the entirety of the Planet Hulk (opens in new tab) saga here, but the TL:DR is that Hulk was sent away from Earth by the group known as the Illuminati, and he wound up on the planet Sakaar, where he became a gladiator known as the Green Scar.
As the Green Scar, he led a revolution against the planet's sadistic rulers and married a woman named Caiera the Oldstrong, fathering several children.
When Hulk was about to leave Sakaar, an attack from his political enemies killed most of his family, leading Hulk to return to Earth and declare war on the Illuminati in the story World War Hulk, nearly taking out all the most powerful heroes on Earth before finally being defeated. And that's where Skaar comes in.
Skaar first appeared in the 2007 hypothetical story What If? Planet Hulk #1 (opens in new tab), which explored the possibilities of what might have happened during the Planet Hulk story in other alternate timelines. He was then introduced in the mainstream Marvel Universe just a short time later in World War Hulk #5.