Twitch streamer TheRealMoisesB had an amazing moment on his latest stream, showcasing his incredible pancake flipping skills.
Moises "TheRealMoisesB" Bournigal is an actor and a variety streamer. He streams games like Super Mario 64 and Pokemon, as well as streams himself outdoors. His latest stream took place in his kitchen, where he was attempting to make a four layered pancake.
To add some extra pressure while making this behemoth of a pancake, he decided to flip the pancake over without using a spatula. Usually, when someone makes a pancake, they would flip it over in the pan using a spatula to have each side cooked evenly. Moises decided to use a more difficult and much more impressive technique to flip the pancake, tossing the pancake into the air and catching it in the pan.
This way of flipping pancakes is quite common and is a much more fun way of cooking, but if you mess up the toss or the catch, it might end up with pancake batter on your floor. However, Moises decides that a normal flip isn't enough and attempts to rotate his body 360 degrees before catching the pancake, making the flip even harder to pull off.
Before attempting this impressive move, he had to get himself mentally prepared for the flip, because if he slipped up in the slightest, all of his hard work to make the pancake would go to waste.
Once the pancake was thrown in the air, he spun around 360 degrees and dipped his body down to the floor to catch it. After hearing the sound of something hitting the pan, Moises springs upwards in view of the camera, screaming in excitement. The pancake successfully landed in the pan on the correct side, with just a little bit of batter spilling over the edge of the pan.
After showing the camera his intact pancake