Tokyo Jungle is a survival action game that was released in 2012 for PlayStation 3. In it, humans have gone extinct during the 21st century, and players take the role of animals that have to now fend for themselves in the post-human world. People play the role of sika deer, beagles, cats, lions, pomeranians, hippos, and even dinosaurs.
Gameplay would change depending on whether players took the role of a prey or predator animal, and they had the choice between single and multiplayer antics. The city would become progressively more hostile the longer a player is able to survive in Tokyo. Surviving meant eating, sleeping, making families, and avoiding bigger predators. It has now been about 10 years since the game came out, and there has not been another like it, so many fans are hoping for a remaster or sequel.
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Tokyo Jungle's development story is an inspiring one. The team behind it started out with just two people, and expanded to 24 by the time the game was finished. An interview with director Yohei Kataoka revealed the project concept was widely criticized and balked by studios who thought it was too quirky. Despite this, Tokyo Jungle was loved by critics and fans once it released.
The game is both absurd and addicting. There were many choices in what animal to play, and plenty of laughs just from the strangeness of taking control over something like a hyena to fight a bear in the streets of Tokyo. The different species also offered different kinds of gameplay, with smaller and weaker animals depending more on a stealthy style.
The game was not for someone who wanted a detailed story, as there were not really cutscenes or fleshed-out characters. However, players