For anyone concerned that Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands would not fully embrace the character creation aspect of tabletop RPGs, the latest news about the game is reassuring. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will feature a deep character creator that allows gamers to make whatever they would like, ranging from human characters to bats and orcs. Based on what has been revealed about it thus far, the feature looks incredible, and it perfectly fits with the game’s themes.
However, while Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands featuring a character creator is essential due to its Dungeons and Dragons-like approach, Borderlands is a different story. The games rely heavily on former Vault Hunters in their storytelling, but player-created Vault Hunters would remove that option. While some would surely have interest in creating their own Siren from the ground up, losing out on proper characters like Lilith and Maya ensures it would not be worth it.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: The Downside of Characters Like Izzy
A character creator is a perfect feature for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands not just because it fits the game’s style, but also because Tina is present to compensate for an unnamed playable character. With Tina constantly narrating and telling the story around the characters gamers are controlling, they do not need to stand out in any meaningful way. In terms of the narrative, Tiny Tina is the star of the show, and her position as the dungeon master means that things will never get boring — even with custom player avatars.
The same could not be said about the heavily anticipated Borderlands 4. When the game finally comes, it would be a genuine shame to lose original characters like Zane that have distinct personalities. It is easy to imagine him being hired by the