Amazon Prime's drama series The Wilds was an instant hit upon its release in December 2020. Created by Sarah Streicher, the 10-part series follows a group of teenage girls who, on their way to a Hawaiian retreat, find themselves stranded on a desert island after their plane crashes. These girls are observant Leah (Sarah Pidgeon), wealthy Fatin (Sophia Taylor Ali), conservative Shelby (Mia Healey), hot-headed Toni (Erana James), optimistic Martha (Jenna Clause), competitive Rachel (Reign Edwards), quiet Nora (Helena Howard), and lovable Dot (Shannon Berry).
With only each other on the island, the eight girls — all from different backgrounds — must stick together to survive. What the girls don't know, however, is that they didn't end up on the island by accident; rather, they are the subjects of a social experiment dubbed 'The Dawn of Eve.' The brainchild of psychologist Gretchen Klein (Rachel Griffiths), 'The Dawn of Eve' study intends to demonstrate how society would develop inthe absence of a patriarchy, if not prove women are better leaders than men. As rivalries and relationships are built on the island, they do so in front of its secret cameras and undercover informant whose identity is revealed in the season's finale.
This Teen Thriller Series Plays With Time Better Than Any Acclaimed Movie
The girls' time on the island is intercut with scenes from before and after the crash, and it is in the latter — where the girls are trapped in a bunker after being rescued — that Leah makes a second, shocking discovery. After having already clocked Nora as the secret informant (her motivation being her personal connection to the study), Leah explores the bunker and stumbles upon a surveillance room with screens monitoring a group