The team at Red Barrels is extremely excited to dive deeper into our very first seasonal update, Project Lupara. For any newcomers, The Outlast Trials is a cooperative PvE experience where up to four players, known in-game as Reagents, participate in experiments that push their psyches to the absolute limit. Our imminent (and free) update, Project Lupara’ packs a major wallop, including a brand-new story trial (it’s gross), a brand-new map (even grosser), and a brand-new Rig.
On top of all that, we’re proud to introduce what all our Reagents have been fearfully waiting for: The sniffling, whining, bloodthirsty Franco ‘Il Bambino’ Barbi. The first of his kind, Franco hunts players with his beloved Lupara, a sawed-off shotgun that gives him range beyond any Outlast villain thus far.
The perverse son of New Orleans mafia don Salvatore Barbi, Franco is driven by craven entitlement, greed, and psychosexual violence fueled by his impotence and insecurities, a freakish “big baby” obsessed with his Pacifier the titular boom stick he suckles on when he’s not using it to blow some poor unsuspecting Reagent to smithereens (including all that fun gore and viscera you’ve come to expect from us). With a face even his mother couldn’t love, players will be introduced to Franco in the new story Trial, Poison the Medicine, which will transport Reagents to The Docks, a brand-new map, and Barbi’s home turf.
Can’t get enough Barbi? During the four weeks following the release of the update, the fine folks at Murkoff have taken it upon themselves to shuttle Franco around to the other trials in the Bambino special event. Mother Gooseberry and Sergeant Coyle have promised to play nice, though I’d continue to keep my distance if I were you.
Escalation Therapy, a new game mode being introduced alongside this update, will allow hardcore Reagents to partake in a seemingly never-ending experience that will pit them against a series of randomized Trials, with randomized variations, and