All year long, we provide you with the PCMag Speed Test(Opens in a new window), our way for you to check if your broadband internet service provider (ISP) is supplying the connectivity speed and quality it promises. Annually, we collect the data from a year’s worth of tests and crunch the numbers to see which ISPs provide the throughput required to be called the fastest. With that data we can also see which cities, states, and countries have the fastest internet.
Welcome to our national and regional results for 2022. And this year, things are complicated.
If you know all about the PCMag Speed Index (PSI) already, skip to the next section. If not, let us explain:
We don't lack for tools to measure broadband internet speed. Even Netflix has one. But while the world tosses around the term “speed” freely and loosely, broadband connectivity is really about throughput for data packets that travel across the internet. They’re either going from your computer/device to a server (that’s an upload) or back to you (that’s a download).
We use a single tool to obtain upload and download data for this story, the one below, our PCMag Speed Test.
The PCMag Speed Test works on any secure desktop or mobile web browser. For the most accurate results of any speed test, you should:
Disable your VPN connection.
Pause video or music streaming on your network.
Plug your computer directly into your router via Ethernet, or connect directly broadband modem. This creates less network overhead—but don’t leave it plugged into the modem, that’s a security risk.
The PCMag Speed Test records the name of your ISP, your location, and download and upload speed (in Kilobits per second, or Kbps), as well as measurements for jitter and latency in the