Taking place one year after the events of the original anime, the story of Stein's;Gate: Load Region of Déjà Vu picks right back up with Okabe and his circle of nerds and waifus, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Makise Kurisu, who's returning to Japan and Akihabara for a visit. She's still wrestling with the fact that Okabe's claimed that on the timeline from Stein's;Gate, the two of them fell in love, when to her, in this Stein's;Gate timeline, all she knows of Okabe is that he saved her life once and then visited her once in L.A. where they talked about her dreams that may or may not have been hazy memories from those other timelines she can't otherwise clearly remember.
Still, there's certainly something niggling at the back of her mind, even if the events of the OVA didn't entirely resolve things for her emotionally. It takes her getting drunk however for her to express how much it bothers her that since the last time they saw each other,Okabe hasn't bothered to keep in touch. Even though, at the same time, he's nervously waiting until the right moment to give her a present of a monogrammed fork, something she's been craving, that he knows she's been craving through the time he spent with her, and for all of that, represents something poignant between them, even if Kurisu can't remember. It's clear that they're both still on very uncertain ground with their feelings, even with one of them having the benefit of remembering falling in love with the other.
Where The Stein's;Gate 0 Timeline Fits Into The Story
But then Okabe starts experiencing moments from the other timelines overlapping in his mind, forcing him to briefly dip in and out of those other timelines. He starts getting paranoid that the tragedies from those
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